Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Ask The Ass

I going to dedicate every Monday to a reader's choice subject or as I like to called "Ask The Ass" Mondays. You can pic an subject and I will give you a post from an asshole's perspective. Put you topics in today and I will see you next monday to see which topic makes it.


Unknown said...

AtA, what is the easiest, most efficient way to make a person who talks SO MUCH that GOD even complains about it find the inner MUTE button? I'm trying to avoid violence!

Anonymous said...

im almost scared............
what about a more personal likes/dislikes.... or good/bad things about something??

`NEFTY said...

I don't know lol=P

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I got one.

How soon after a couple meets should they get nekkid? lol And, from a guy's perspective, or in your case a male asshole, is there ever a time when a woman gives it up too soon?

CapCity said...

who came up with the phrase - opinions are like A-holes, everyone has one (we also have joints,ligaments,etc.)? LOL!

D said...

Wow! This is Ass You Like It!

Webmiztris said...

OK, how do you feel about tailgating pricks....or people who don't courtesy wave even when you let them in in traffic? i hate those people!

Jim said...

This is a place to freely speak your mind,

Heyyy Asshole
This is why I am here
I gott u linked

I bet u before the cock crows thrice

u will have banned me

Jim said...

why does Keshi post her foto on every second post?

"Ask The Ass" Monday

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Ignorance is the beginning of wisdom. Rightly understood, it is not something negative. It is simply a tabula rasa, a clean slate.
Nothing is written on it. You have to· write your own holy Bible, holy Koran, holy Gita; you'have to give birth.
Ignorance is a womb.
It contains the quest for truth - and if you don't fall victim to knowledgeability, ignorance is the right beginnmg.To know absolutelv that "I do not know," is the first step of wisdom.
You have known something of tremendous value: you have known your innocence, and in this innocence, the ego dies.
The ego can live only with the false


Keshi said...
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Keshi said...
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Keshi said...
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Keshi said...
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Keshi said...

I'll pick my fav one for ya ASS:

What's so great abt oral sex? LOL!


curryegg said...

Lol.. I don't know either..

Prince K. said...

Et Cetra! :P


That... my dear blog reader, will not come for some time...

Impressionist said...

Hmm...Nice Idea!
Pam Lee's Silicon Breasts! ;)
hehe! :D

peace & love

Saadia said...

Why has Andrew been so absent from my life??? :(

Jeya Anand said...

hmmmmm good way..

Anonymous said...

What's so great abt oral sex?
I can answer this one Andrew

nothing great about oral sex
oral sex SUXS

oral sex is when u talk about sex
instead of just doing it

Indian origin women are starved for sex
coz mom told them no sex before marriage

so these guys have sex on their mind all the time
so Oral sex

when they say Love
they really mean sex

confessing7girl said...

humm i was thinking what makes a woman irresistible attractive in ur point of view?? what makes u say i wanna do that girl?? can u tell this just by one look at the girl??

`NEFTY said...

Now that I think about it... it should be about me >:]]

Anonymous said...

The type of man who makes a woman’s heart flutter has a lot to do with whether she was a daddy’s girl, according to a new study.
Women who got along well with their dads as kids are attracted to men who resemble their fathers, whereas women who had a bad father-daughter relationship do not.
Lynda Boothroyd, a psychologist at Durham University in England, and her colleagues at the University of Wroclaw and the Institute of Anthropology in Poland asked a trained anthropologist to perform facial measurements on the photographs of 15 random men as well as the photographs of the fathers of 49 Polish women participating in the study.
The anthropologist calculated 15 key proportions based on how various features—such as the lips, nose, cheekbones and brows—related to each face’s height and width. The researchers also compared the 15 random faces to each of the father’s faces to determine how closely they resembled one another.
The women then rated their childhood relationships with their fathers based on how emotionally invested they felt their dads had been in raising them and how much time their fathers had spent with them. The women were split into two groups based on how positively or negatively they rated their relationships.
Then the researchers asked the women to rate how attractive they found each of the 15 random male faces.
The women who had reported positive relationships with their fathers were much more likely to be attracted to men resembling their fathers, the researchers found. On the other hand, women with bad dad relationships did not find men who looked like their fathers appealing.
“While previous research has suggested this to be the case, these controlled results show for certain that the quality of a daughter’s relationship with her father has an impact on whom she finds attractive,” Boothroyd said in a prepared statement. “It shows our human brains don't simply build prototypes of the ideal face based on those we see around us, rather they build them based on those to whom we have a strongly positive relationship.”
Although no one yet knows for sure why females show these preferences, a woman with a great dad may choose a similar-looking mate in the hopes that he will also be a good father, the researchers wrote.

Fatherhood at First Sight: Women Can Spot Good Dads By Their faces

The Sex Quiz: Myths, Taboos, and Bizaare Facts

How Women Pick Mates vs. Flings

Anonymous said...


Proportionally and compared to other primates, human males have...

Tiny genitalia
Massive genitalia
About average

Anonymous said...

,Keshi cheats ,

i just visited her blog
there were only 45 comments

when i came back after 5 mins
there were 90

all 45 of hers

harshad said...
