Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Powerful Wise ASS

A few weeks ago I introduced the book, The 48 Laws of Power. I gave you two laws with examples of how they can be useful. Today I will give you two more nuggets of wisdom.

Recently I have realized the importance of these next laws. I have had 3 new bosses in the last couple months. I have applied both of with my newest boss that seems to want to bother with me.

The best deceptions are the ones that seem to give the other person a choice: Your victims feel they are in control, but are actually your puppets. Give people options that come out in your favor whichever one they choose. Force them to make choices between the lesser of two evils, both of which serve your purpose. Put them on the horns a dilemma: They are gored wherever they turn.

I you make a show of going against the times, flaunting your unconventional ideas and unorthodox ways, people will think that you only want attention and that you look down upon them. They will find a way to punish you for making them feel inferior. It is far safer to blend in and nurture the common touch. Share your originality only with tolerant friends and those who are sure to appreciate your uniqueness.

The lessons I learned in using these laws are that every boss likes to talk. So instead of arguing like I normally would, I asked for her opinion. I need to learn to keep my mouth shut, because I can be a wise ass, especially when I feel like I’m smarter than my brother.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Ask The Ass Mondays - I'm BACK!!!

Yes I am back... As many of you realized I was absent last week. I do apologize for my slackness. Or maybe I was just being as ASS. Red is one of my favorite colors, especially when its women in heels. But I'm back and ready do what I do best which is be an ASS!!!!!

I have some great things in store for my readers... Soon I will doing articles on Married Women, Wise ASS, and Death/Life.

But for now write in your questions and I will give you an ass of Anwer. Its Monday!!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Ask The Ass Mondays - Oil Cash Cow

For the newbies Its Monday!!!! I know you thinking whats the excitement... well your here at my blog and you should be excited to be here every Monday. Every Monday you get to ask the ASS questions. I will give an ASS of an opinion. So fire away and I will update the Blog post with my answers throughout the day.

The movie clip is the intro from the movie, "The Kingdom". Which is what I did this weekend, afterwhich I watched football with friends. Then I ended the evening with a nice nap on a boat, and woke up to the end of the Sunday Night Football game.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

What's the Cost of FREEDOM?

Rendition is a new suspense thriller coming out this Friday. According Wikipedia, Extraordinary rendition and irregular rendition are terms used to describe the extrajudicial transfer of a person from one state to another, and the term Torture by proxy is used by some critics to describe extraordinary rendition by the United States, with regard to the alleged transfer of suspected terrorists to countries known to employ harsh interrogation techniques that may rise to the level of torture. The point of this article is not to promote the movie, but to raise an important question… What is the cost of freedom?

In this day and age terrorist attacks can happen anywhere at anytime. Terrorism is a matter of viewpoint. 9/11 was a terrible thing but how different is that than some of the things the US and other democratic Christian countries have done?

In the Bay of Pigs we funded and participated in with the “rebels" to over the Castro Cuba. From family that are navy seals and in other stealth government agencies; we have called politicians in small countries demand certain Pro-US actions or he would be killed. These conversations often occur when a team of navy seals are in the politician compounds with orders to kill them.

Whether you agree or disagree with the current war, it was the first of its kind. It was marketed to the masses through new teams on the ground streaming live footage.

Many things go into your freedom one of things are the killing of those that threaten it.

Would you rather know and see what your freedom cost or would prefer ignorance and go back to watching reality TV with a light heart?

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Case of the Mondays

Its Monday... If you frequent my blog you understand what Monday means. If you are new you may be wandering what will cure your case of the Mondays? Well its ME THE ASS, I am the cure for your boring uneventful Mondays. Its ASK THE ASS MONDAYS.

No topic is off limits, ASK of the ASS what you like, but understand the answer you may not like. LET'S BEGIN

Jim - Does Anal Hurt?
I'm a man, so I don't know... But let me put this broom stick up you ASS and let the readers know next week.

Euros Vs. Dollars Would I live in India?
The Dollar will always be king, because the strength of every other economy is based on how much they sell to America. I would like to have homes on every part of the world, especially the parts that would make it financially benefitual for me to live there.

Girly Girl - Who is Jim?
Jim is an older gentleman, that is in love with a lady named Mary (who doesn't love him). He also is starting to fall in love with a female in India. Probably he wants to move there.

Ticia - When a man grabs your hand and holds it - what should you be thinking?
Well think whatever you like, whatever makes you feel good. Its a form of flirting.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Politicians - For Sale - Buy 1 Get 1 FREE!!!!!

A few years ago America was outraged of a Middle Eastern company, Dubai Port World, being in charge our ports. I’m sure most of you heard about and maybe you even wrote your Senator. I’m bringing this up, because Congress lead the way with public outrage shut down the deal. An American company was quickly found to take over the ports.

Politicians are simply puppets control by the strings of money. This year Dubai just purchased 20% of NASDAQ, the American stock exchange and also will take control of their stake in London Stock Exchange. Now how come no Congress man is on TV screaming “Outrage!!”?

Well this time Dubai spent almost $10 million between 3 Lobbying companies to get your politicians to give the deal a thumbs up. Politicians, merry puppets, spend time criticizing each other for passing laws or business deals for their fundraisers; but they all seem to sell out to the highest bidder.

Do you think it is dangerous to have politicians that are indebted servants of special interest groups, rather the “people?” And if you believe it is dangerous, what is solution for our elections? For the last, 10 or more US presidents, they have raised the most amount of money, and the “people” are not the ones funding them.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Ask The ASS - Its Monday N***a$!!!!

I hope everyone's weekend was good, my was good... not much sleep but fun non the less. For those that are new today is MONDAY, which in BlogLand it is ASK THE ASS Mondays. Mondays is the day that readers submit questions for to Andrew, which only Andrew can give an ASS of an anwser. On past mondays we have covered every from sex to politics. You can post a question and I will update the Blog throughout the day with my Fuckin' Answers...Nothing is off limits! So lets get started!!!!

DC Speaks - Is it necessary to get your friend's permission to go out with his sister when everyone is over 35 yrs old?
I would think not... I know I wouldn't ask nor expect my sister to ask my persimission since she is an adult too. Now if your friend feels that, their sister makes poor decisions like him being your friend... then I would have to yeah you might want to run it by him. But DC seems like a gentlemen with his head on straight.

Now Jim your ASS would have to ask me!!! And the answer would be NO!!!! ;D

Friday, October 5, 2007

Question Every Thing but ASK THE ASS

Its the start of the weekend, but of course my weekend started last night. I think everyday should be Friday and Saturday. Above I have given you a video of THE WORLD, a private island. I have been doing some research on Dubai. I know that ASK THE ASS Mondays are coming and you are leaving me questions, but I have several question for you.

Do people short sale themselves on how they can live because they don't believe they can live like this or is it the lack of exposure?

They build places like this... so someone has to be buying, so why not you?

You ladies and gentlemen have a good weekend, I'll be out playing but do drop me some question and I'll be sure to give you an ASS of an answer!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

One Powerful ASS

In this week’s Ask The Ass Monday, Ced asked me what my favorite book was. Above is an interview with author Robert Greene. His book, “The 48 Laws of Power,” has sold millions of copies in 20 languages. His follow up books, “The Art of Seduction” and “The 33 Strategies of War”, will become classics as well. As Scarface and The God Father developed a cult like following in the hip hop community, Robert Greene’s book are taking their place. He is currently writing a book with 50 Cents and developing a strategy based on his books.

I am bringing this up because I would recommend this book to anyone that wants to accomplish things with their life. My disclaimer is that this should not be the first “self-help” book you read. That would be like handing a kid the controls to a stealth fighter jet and they haven’t learned to shoot a gun.

I imagine you have wonder like I have wonder before, how did that guy get the corner office? Or, how did that guy get elected to that high of an office? How did he or she get that spouse? I think indirectly you can find the answer in The 48 Laws. The trick is, understanding what LAW to use in a given situation.

Here are 2 LAWS that I have found useful on a daily basis:

The way you carry yourself will often determine how you are treated: In the long run, appearing vulgar or common will make people disrespect you. For a king respects himself and inspires the same sentiment in others. By acting regally and confident of your powers, you make yourself seen destined to wear a crown. Other people will believe in that destiny and help you get there.
Use the wisdom, knowledge and legwork of other people to further your own cause. Not only will such assistance save you valuable time and energy, it will give you a godlike aura of efficiency and speed. In the end your helpers will be forgotten and you will be remembered. Never do yourself what other can and will do for you.

Don’t float through life… consciously apply these LAWS and you’ll be amazed how simple the game is when you know the LAWS.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Ask The Ass Mondays - Global Initiative

CapCity - do u mind when people just GIVE u a nickname?
No I don’t mind. Since I was young I would always give myself a nickname for given environments. It create a cult like following. With nicknames you can create larger than life personas… It’s one of the things that make celebrities what they are.

Do u think blogs will evolve or dissolve?
Blogs will evolve to take the place of reality shows. Eventually technology will make it so that you can have live video blogs.

Jim - tell me cud u love some one who is 6000 miles away?
I can love someone 6000 miles away, but the question is can you have a meaningful relationship 6000 miles away? Most people like some type of affection and interaction which makes it hard.

Should Jim find some one in my own back yard?
Yes, find you someone within driving range, unless you both have your own private jet and the type of job you can do from anywhere.

Nikki - what do you enjoy about reading blogs?
Reading blogs is like reading a book while the person its writing the book. Also it seems more real when its not in a newspaper or magazine. You get the impression that you are having a conversation with a peer.

Ticia - When will she go on a Date?
I hope its this year for your sake. But I have a suggestion... Just Be friendly. Many women say the same thing you are but you look angry and unapproachable. I think your problem can be fixed with a simple smile and friendly conversation.

Ced - What are my favorite and least favorite books?
My favorite would have to be between "Think and Grow Rich" by Napolean Hill and "The 48 Laws of Power" by Robert Greene. I usually don't read for per leisure. Both books list above were read for a purpose and during a time i needed to read it. I can't say I have least favorite because its all helping me get to my goal as described in my short story THE CURE.