Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Wise ASS Tagged

This time Rajeev tagged me.
Here are the rules:
* Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of their middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
* When you are tagged you need to write your own blog-post containing your own middle name game facts.
* At the end of your blog-post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag.
* Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged.

My middle name is Julius. I took the approach of the “Wise Ass” so used the letter to give bits of knowledge that will help you be successful today.

J – James (Brother of Jesus) – “Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger.”

U – “U” – “If U think U can’t U’re right and if U think U can, U’re right again.” Henry Ford

L – Life - “You can have everything out of LIFE that you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want out of life.” Zig Ziglar

I – Influence (in-flu:enze) n. A person’s indirect power over men, events or things, e.g. through wisdom, wealth force of character etc., and not as the exercise of physical force or formal authority – a comparable power in such a thing, the moon’s influence on the tides – a person or thing having such power – such power to sway authority or people in authority.

U – “U” – “If U can dream it, U can do it.” Walt Disney

S – Succeed – “To SUCCEED, jump as quickly at opportunities as you do at conclusions.” Benjamin Franklin

I'll spare Brandon's Intellegent Ignorance from being tagged, as he is the only letter that I have.


Impressionist said...

well, that was short and quick! :D
good job! :D

peace & love

Keshi said...

Influence U DO!


Ticia said...

Good job!!! I enjoyed it....

Jim said...

this is a tuff one for me
my middle name is XAVIER, Julius

i wish it were shorter like CREEP

Andrew The Asshole said...

I'm glad everyone got something out of it.

Jim - I was thinking about changing my name and adding Xavier to it.

Jim said...

X is for the cross, i carry
unrequited love
Ass, i am a bigger than ass than Julius, i cant get Mary out of my mind
Victory, i hope i get it someday
I will survive, no matter what
Every body is some body's fool
Reason, i hope i come to my senses someday

Love, a great mental illness
especially if it happens when u r 56
- Plato

Andrew The Asshole said...

Jim - Marry has you going crazy. There is another one around the corner.

Jim said...

"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness."

- Friedriche Nietschze

CapCity said...

learned quite a bit in this post, Andrew. Questions for your Monday Q&A:
1. r u still doing the AskTheA--Mondays?
2. Why don't I like the use of the word Azz & try to call u everything else? If it doesn't bother U it shouldn't bother me - but i still don't like it. lol!
3. Do u speak any other languages? if so, which?

Jim said...

Hey Capcity
i made u a proposal

u havent said yes or no
no answer tells me
i gott hope

i just gotta woo u some more

Jim said...

and Julius hunny
(i like to believe u r a blonde)

I told Mary off
told her i am not gonna chase her no more

i will survive
Now i just gotta find a girl who will make me forget Mary

Andrew The Asshole said...

Good Job, Jim forget mary!!! Just walk around and speak to people you never know where the conversation will lead.

CapCity said...

jim, what r u talkin' about u made me a proposal? how like: abracadabra you're a proposal?