Last week was very interesting. Ticia tried to get the true identity of the ageless and raceless character Andrew the Asshole by asking for a picture... and she thought just her pearly whites would do the trick!! We had a few racial debates... which Cap said she wanted to be light on me now, because I didn't answer the question to her liking. If I don't answer it to you liking... Hell I'm Andrew the Ass you can call me out without my feelings getting hurt me kicking you off my blog. Also last week we had a ghost writer suggest that my character Andrew The Asshole was actually a female on the dominary side!! I must say that is the most any of my readers have thought outside the box. So what will next week bring??? Only time will tell you hold the key, by the questions you ask!!!
Have a Great weekend!!!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
The New Slavery
In this week’s “Ask the Ass” Mondays the topic of slavery came up, along with should there be reparation of any kind. I will not tackle those questions again, but want to bring a new outlook on “slavery.” Today, the shackles of slavery have been broken. Yesterday’s shackles have been replaced with a much more efficient system. This system is not made of iron and steel nor is it based on the color of your skin… its knowledge. This knowledge is what separates the haves and have not’s.
Rockefeller along with several other wealthy business people funded a project which later became Harvard. The study was how to best run a society? The smartest of people came from around the world to participate.
They determined that slavery was not economically efficient way to sustain a nation. They suggested an open aired jail based on knowledge. The problem with out-right slavery is that slaves have nothing to lose so they will run away or have destructive behavior. All of which will bring down a nation, and any 3rd world country is evidence of this.
Give people enough that they will not run away or be destructive. Even though we have our share of problems (or opportunities in work clothes); I have yet to see an American citizen make a raft to sail away or jump the fence to Mexico. This is why slavery was replaced with the middle class, which makes up a large percent of America. These same business men then funded colleges and universities to educate their working force; since, they where the ones paying for this they also had an influence of the curriculum. From the time of birth you are taught to do what you are told, the education system was established with this in mind. As a child your parents tell you what to do; as a teenager your teacher tells you what to do; college your professor tells you what to do; and graduate from college and you boss tells you what to do.
The welfare system was created to keep the poor from being anymore destructive than they already are. America’s “poor,” pale in comparison to the poor of the 3rd world countries.
An educated slaves work harder and longer. Because we a society that likes to keep up with the Jones, they got rid of physical shackles and gave everyone credit. So you go to work… they give you a pay check… you then go spend more than that in another one of their companies or one of their friends’ company. The American dream is available to everyone at 15% interest.
The only thing left was selling the “public” on this new system. They then funded local and national politicians along with special interest groups to promote getting rid of slavery. I was fairly long process that took more than one president’s term, but its how social change takes place.
Out with slavery, in with the middle class. This might seem unfair, but the top 5% know you will not do anything about it. Not because you don’t want to, but because you have been programmed to be workers not to think. The top 5% control more than 80% of the money because they know the rules of the game and they play to win.
Henry ford said it best, “Thinking is the hardest task and that’s why so few engage in it.”
If there is going to be a revolution, this time it will have to start with the way we think.
Rockefeller along with several other wealthy business people funded a project which later became Harvard. The study was how to best run a society? The smartest of people came from around the world to participate.
They determined that slavery was not economically efficient way to sustain a nation. They suggested an open aired jail based on knowledge. The problem with out-right slavery is that slaves have nothing to lose so they will run away or have destructive behavior. All of which will bring down a nation, and any 3rd world country is evidence of this.
Give people enough that they will not run away or be destructive. Even though we have our share of problems (or opportunities in work clothes); I have yet to see an American citizen make a raft to sail away or jump the fence to Mexico. This is why slavery was replaced with the middle class, which makes up a large percent of America. These same business men then funded colleges and universities to educate their working force; since, they where the ones paying for this they also had an influence of the curriculum. From the time of birth you are taught to do what you are told, the education system was established with this in mind. As a child your parents tell you what to do; as a teenager your teacher tells you what to do; college your professor tells you what to do; and graduate from college and you boss tells you what to do.
The welfare system was created to keep the poor from being anymore destructive than they already are. America’s “poor,” pale in comparison to the poor of the 3rd world countries.
An educated slaves work harder and longer. Because we a society that likes to keep up with the Jones, they got rid of physical shackles and gave everyone credit. So you go to work… they give you a pay check… you then go spend more than that in another one of their companies or one of their friends’ company. The American dream is available to everyone at 15% interest.
The only thing left was selling the “public” on this new system. They then funded local and national politicians along with special interest groups to promote getting rid of slavery. I was fairly long process that took more than one president’s term, but its how social change takes place.
Out with slavery, in with the middle class. This might seem unfair, but the top 5% know you will not do anything about it. Not because you don’t want to, but because you have been programmed to be workers not to think. The top 5% control more than 80% of the money because they know the rules of the game and they play to win.
Henry ford said it best, “Thinking is the hardest task and that’s why so few engage in it.”
If there is going to be a revolution, this time it will have to start with the way we think.
Monday, June 25, 2007
"Ask The Ass" Mondays
Week two of “Ask The Ass” Mondays. Sorry for getting this out late. Also how do you guys like the format of the post? And do you guys want to leave questions in the shadow box or do you like having a post an the end of each week to submit them?
1.P. Ricky – Matrix Kama sutra question from last week
I didn't see your question last week regarding this. I am familiar with both words individually, but together I can’t say I am. I have several post tagged “matrix” and I like the Asian writings of the Kama sutra. If it there is more to it let me know.
2.Vi Vi Voom – Should you be able to spank you children?
Yes you should beat I mean spank your children. This should be done in reason and you shouldn’t beat them in the heat of the moment. That’s called reacting, and as adults you should respond to situations.
3.Mizrepresendant – Older Men/Younger Women vs. Older Women/Younger Men which one works the best?There is a new reality TV show tackling this subject. I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer to this question. It is more of individual preference and stage of life that each person is in. Some people because of their relationship with parents and guardians their perspective on this could dramatically influence their preferences.
4.Soul&Body – Do I Love her?
I love all my blog readers. :D
5.Rod – The question is in Spanish and I don’t speak Spanish, so you will need to resubmit this in English!!! Or if someone wants to translate and tell me what the hell he is saying?
6.Confession7girl – Why do I call myself an asshole? Is this asshole married?No I am not married, nor have a girl friend. Andrew is not my real name it’s a character I created partially based on my personality. Asshole besides the play on words, it is marketing to my readers. When seeing the word “Asshole” you automatically associate it with someone that is sarcastic, blunt and will talk about any subject. This character is meant to be ageless and have no nationality. This also frees up the reader from assuming that because of a certain age or nationality that I should have a particular stance on a topic.
7.JustMeWriting – Why do other races seem to feel like black people should get over it? It being the ramifications of slavery on black America.Great Question – Other races stance on this subject stems from several things. Most races can trace their roots to a particular place, where they rule a particular land. However, “blacks” don’t associate Africa as place that people like them run shit. So most “blacks” live life with a minority complex. “Successful blacks” often referred to as elitist and not-really black live life with a majority complex. Another view point is that in sheer numbers more “blacks” went to South America than they did North America. Another view point is if you look at history slavery was the national next step after conquering a country. Africans fate was no different than any other nation… if we are looking at it from a historic stand point. Slavery regardless of time in history is cruel. I am writing a article later this week that will touch on “slavery.”
8.Cap – What do Caucasians think about reparation for blacks who are descendents of slaves?
If we are defining “Caucasians” as someone with a particular skin color, then we are ignoring the fact that many countries have a lighter and darker version of them. I think a majority of Caucasians don’t feel like “blacks” should get reparations for being descendents of slaves. Some could be racist for not wanting to give them anything, but I would say some feel that it was the nature of war. After invading a country you usually look to take resource from them that will benefit your economy. For Africa it was their people, diamonds, oil and other nature resources. You should go back and read my article “Nobody Gives A Damn.” It expands on my above comments.
9.Angel - Are All Andrews Assholes?
No of course not
10.Caprivilla - How to spank her so that she ask for more?Well, first I would "hit the bottom"(this is making sure you hit the back of the females walls). Them I would probably talk to you dirty, and tell you to ask to be hit more or harder... whichever to enjoy more at the time.
11.Ticia - Why do men have ugly feet?
I can't speak for all men on this one, because my feet look good.
1.P. Ricky – Matrix Kama sutra question from last week
I didn't see your question last week regarding this. I am familiar with both words individually, but together I can’t say I am. I have several post tagged “matrix” and I like the Asian writings of the Kama sutra. If it there is more to it let me know.
2.Vi Vi Voom – Should you be able to spank you children?
Yes you should beat I mean spank your children. This should be done in reason and you shouldn’t beat them in the heat of the moment. That’s called reacting, and as adults you should respond to situations.
3.Mizrepresendant – Older Men/Younger Women vs. Older Women/Younger Men which one works the best?There is a new reality TV show tackling this subject. I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer to this question. It is more of individual preference and stage of life that each person is in. Some people because of their relationship with parents and guardians their perspective on this could dramatically influence their preferences.
4.Soul&Body – Do I Love her?
I love all my blog readers. :D
5.Rod – The question is in Spanish and I don’t speak Spanish, so you will need to resubmit this in English!!! Or if someone wants to translate and tell me what the hell he is saying?
6.Confession7girl – Why do I call myself an asshole? Is this asshole married?No I am not married, nor have a girl friend. Andrew is not my real name it’s a character I created partially based on my personality. Asshole besides the play on words, it is marketing to my readers. When seeing the word “Asshole” you automatically associate it with someone that is sarcastic, blunt and will talk about any subject. This character is meant to be ageless and have no nationality. This also frees up the reader from assuming that because of a certain age or nationality that I should have a particular stance on a topic.
7.JustMeWriting – Why do other races seem to feel like black people should get over it? It being the ramifications of slavery on black America.Great Question – Other races stance on this subject stems from several things. Most races can trace their roots to a particular place, where they rule a particular land. However, “blacks” don’t associate Africa as place that people like them run shit. So most “blacks” live life with a minority complex. “Successful blacks” often referred to as elitist and not-really black live life with a majority complex. Another view point is that in sheer numbers more “blacks” went to South America than they did North America. Another view point is if you look at history slavery was the national next step after conquering a country. Africans fate was no different than any other nation… if we are looking at it from a historic stand point. Slavery regardless of time in history is cruel. I am writing a article later this week that will touch on “slavery.”
8.Cap – What do Caucasians think about reparation for blacks who are descendents of slaves?
If we are defining “Caucasians” as someone with a particular skin color, then we are ignoring the fact that many countries have a lighter and darker version of them. I think a majority of Caucasians don’t feel like “blacks” should get reparations for being descendents of slaves. Some could be racist for not wanting to give them anything, but I would say some feel that it was the nature of war. After invading a country you usually look to take resource from them that will benefit your economy. For Africa it was their people, diamonds, oil and other nature resources. You should go back and read my article “Nobody Gives A Damn.” It expands on my above comments.
9.Angel - Are All Andrews Assholes?
No of course not
10.Caprivilla - How to spank her so that she ask for more?Well, first I would "hit the bottom"(this is making sure you hit the back of the females walls). Them I would probably talk to you dirty, and tell you to ask to be hit more or harder... whichever to enjoy more at the time.
11.Ticia - Why do men have ugly feet?
I can't speak for all men on this one, because my feet look good.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Ask The Ass Monday's Week 2 is Cuming.
Ask The Ass Mondays is coming up. No one goes to ask jeeves but they do "Ask The Ass" every Monday. The first week things went great. We had some great questions last week; I look forward to this weeks questions.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Love Yourself Today - Masturbation
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Monday, June 18, 2007
"Ask the ASS" Mondays
Welcome to the first installment of “Ask the ASS” Mondays. Bare with me as I cum up with the best format for this. Feel free to leave suggestion on how this would be more reader friendly. Some of the more lengthy questions I might have to give a full explanation in a separate post. I like the fact that everyone can see each others questions, it creates discussion among my readers. I think I will it towards the end of every week. If you can’t wait put them in my shout box. So now that the formalities are out of the way let the games begin.
1.CED – How to hit the MUTE BUTTON on a person who talks all the time? Avoiding violence.*If physically walking away in the middle of their conversation is too rude, then proceed to walk away mentally. Mentally walking away to whatever makes you happy… for me its usually on the back of my future yacht with a cigar in my hand surrounded by friends and family
2.Confession7girl - Personal Likes/Dislikes
*I don’t like JOBS. They give very little time and money. Its only good for taking care of habits like eating, bathing, and clothing… until you start your own company.
3.CapCity - Who came up with “opinions are like an ASSHOLE everyone has one?”
*This probably came from some uptight person that was pissed off at an Asshole and this was the most cunning thing their small brain could come up with.
4.Webmitress - My thought on tailgating pricks and people that are rude in traffic.
*They motivate me to do what I need to do to get my chauffer driven car, helicopter, yacht and plane. When the curtains are closed on a Rolls Royce Phantom you can’t even see the pricks. And of course by air or sea there is no traffic.
5.Jim – Would I ever ban him? Keshi posting her picture every second blog.
*I wouldn’t ban anybody her. People are free to speak their mind at me or any topic that is written. I go ban from a blog once and the people that know me weren’t surprised that I didn’t even last a week. Keshi is very attractive so I don’t mind her posting her picture
6.Keshi – What is the best thing about oral sex?*Wow the best thing? That’s really hard to say… it depends on who I’m eating. Sometimes its hearing her ask “Why are you doing this to me?” the look on her face that says “I can’t believe he made me cum this hard” or if I come across a real arrogant women I enjoy watching her try to run around the bed trying not to have a hard orgasm.
7.Prince – Food/Gaming
*Not sure what was the real question. But I like spicy food and I like madden football.
8.Rajeev - Pamela Lee’s Breast
*Pam Lee or Pam Anderson? I enjoy breast that are propionate to one’s body, but hers are nice to look at though. Didn’t she get a breast reduction in hopes of being taken more seriously?
9.Girl Girl – Why have I been absent from your life?*I haven’t look down in between your legs. Ha ha just been working too hard this last week, so I haven’t been up here as much.
10.Oral sex suxus
*I don’t think it sucks, but its always a plus if you can couple oral sex with mental stimulation and “hitting the bottom.” You got to put the whole package together.
11.Confession7girl/Nefty – What makes a woman irresistible or attractive?*For me ambition is the biggest aphrodisiac. A good self image is a sign she is comfortable in her own skin. A must for me is long hair, at least long enough to grab. It needs to be soft to the touch because I love playing in it.
12.Women – Mates vs. Flings
*That a whole separate post and plus I need some type of research to discuss that.
13.Sugar – When should a couple do the nasty and is there ever a time when she gives it up too quick?*This is a good one. When? When both parties are comfortable taking the relationship there. Timing is heavily dependent on the communication of what each other want. If its just a physical thing then well tonight, but if you are interested in dating this person then take the time to learn about each other. Often because of society a lot of men and women lie about what they really want. If you just want a physical relationship then say that. Don’t tell me about trivial shit that doesn’t matter. If you are trying to date me then should start filling out a questionnaire and look at the requirement and see if you even want to apply.
1.CED – How to hit the MUTE BUTTON on a person who talks all the time? Avoiding violence.*If physically walking away in the middle of their conversation is too rude, then proceed to walk away mentally. Mentally walking away to whatever makes you happy… for me its usually on the back of my future yacht with a cigar in my hand surrounded by friends and family
2.Confession7girl - Personal Likes/Dislikes
*I don’t like JOBS. They give very little time and money. Its only good for taking care of habits like eating, bathing, and clothing… until you start your own company.
3.CapCity - Who came up with “opinions are like an ASSHOLE everyone has one?”
*This probably came from some uptight person that was pissed off at an Asshole and this was the most cunning thing their small brain could come up with.
4.Webmitress - My thought on tailgating pricks and people that are rude in traffic.
*They motivate me to do what I need to do to get my chauffer driven car, helicopter, yacht and plane. When the curtains are closed on a Rolls Royce Phantom you can’t even see the pricks. And of course by air or sea there is no traffic.
5.Jim – Would I ever ban him? Keshi posting her picture every second blog.
*I wouldn’t ban anybody her. People are free to speak their mind at me or any topic that is written. I go ban from a blog once and the people that know me weren’t surprised that I didn’t even last a week. Keshi is very attractive so I don’t mind her posting her picture
6.Keshi – What is the best thing about oral sex?*Wow the best thing? That’s really hard to say… it depends on who I’m eating. Sometimes its hearing her ask “Why are you doing this to me?” the look on her face that says “I can’t believe he made me cum this hard” or if I come across a real arrogant women I enjoy watching her try to run around the bed trying not to have a hard orgasm.
7.Prince – Food/Gaming
*Not sure what was the real question. But I like spicy food and I like madden football.
8.Rajeev - Pamela Lee’s Breast
*Pam Lee or Pam Anderson? I enjoy breast that are propionate to one’s body, but hers are nice to look at though. Didn’t she get a breast reduction in hopes of being taken more seriously?
9.Girl Girl – Why have I been absent from your life?*I haven’t look down in between your legs. Ha ha just been working too hard this last week, so I haven’t been up here as much.
10.Oral sex suxus
*I don’t think it sucks, but its always a plus if you can couple oral sex with mental stimulation and “hitting the bottom.” You got to put the whole package together.
11.Confession7girl/Nefty – What makes a woman irresistible or attractive?*For me ambition is the biggest aphrodisiac. A good self image is a sign she is comfortable in her own skin. A must for me is long hair, at least long enough to grab. It needs to be soft to the touch because I love playing in it.
12.Women – Mates vs. Flings
*That a whole separate post and plus I need some type of research to discuss that.
13.Sugar – When should a couple do the nasty and is there ever a time when she gives it up too quick?*This is a good one. When? When both parties are comfortable taking the relationship there. Timing is heavily dependent on the communication of what each other want. If its just a physical thing then well tonight, but if you are interested in dating this person then take the time to learn about each other. Often because of society a lot of men and women lie about what they really want. If you just want a physical relationship then say that. Don’t tell me about trivial shit that doesn’t matter. If you are trying to date me then should start filling out a questionnaire and look at the requirement and see if you even want to apply.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Ask The Ass
I going to dedicate every Monday to a reader's choice subject or as I like to called "Ask The Ass" Mondays. You can pic an subject and I will give you a post from an asshole's perspective. Put you topics in today and I will see you next monday to see which topic makes it.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Life on Location
As you can see in the above video I'm enjoying my day. Being out on the water is extremely calming. So I'm sitting here drink in hand watching Game 2 of the NBA finals with friends.... Then I started thinking (you tend to do tis when you only have 70 feet of distractions before you hit the water.)
Friday I'm at a business mixer with a friend talking to a potential client aout chartering a yacht. My friend describes the yacht as simply space and what it intells is simply limited by your imagination. His initial services were dinner cruises, day spa and romantic kidnapping. Then he had other clients ask for a "girls night-out" pj party and a moraccan themed cruise.
Thinking a little further... LIFE is kind a like this boat I'm laying on... Its simply a space a space in time; what all it in intells is simply up to your imagination. "you have not becasue you ask not." You are the cpatain of the boat how d you want this space? Do you want to write that book; build that hospital; get that jet; buy that island; visit that monument, etc. Do you really? Picking that destination is so important. Like driving a car at night you can only see 200ft in front of you, but you have faith that you will get to your destination.
So lets take it to the next step, no just where do you want to go but what would you e wiling to give up to get there? Guilt, fear, doubt, your "secure job", fitting in etc.
What do you want out of life and what are you willing to give up to get there?
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Eating Pussy
It looks like the ladies won out on the voting process!!! So Eating Pussy it is. Don't worry I will get to the other ones.
On my second tag post "Interview with an ASSHOLE" my tongue was the answer to "What body part do you get most complimented on?" Even though it is a great thing to hear "job well done" it was almost a fatal flaw... once almost sufficating myself. A few women that post comments frequently on my site thought that it was worthly of post and guys your free to take notes.
I think the title says it all "Eating Pussy" Its an art that requires both mental and physical skills that can be learned. Before I share how I almost sufficated women... please keep her trimmed up. Its for your own good!!! You can feel more of my tongue and other things if it is tightly trimmed or completely shaven. Also keep it smelling good and if nature didn't make her taste good, there is plenty of flavors you can buy at your nearest adult store. Now back to my story....
Suffication... First thing to know is that women are emotional creatures that need to be mentally stimulated, which will lead to harder and multiple orgasms. I flirt 24/7 why? because before I eat a woman, she has already invisioned being eaten. When we are not together she will remember something sexual I whispered in her ear or sent her in a text message. Learn to turn anything she says into something sexual. Sending her a suggestive text message in the middle of a serious meeting also works wonders. When those text messages or comments are linked to things she can physically touch and see the effect will be multiplied, because she will think of you everytime she cums in contact with that object. For example my women can not sit at their desk without thinking of me under it, they can't pour syrup on their pancakes without thinking of themselves on my breakfast menu, etc. I could go on but you get the picture. The more objects that they cum in contact with that reminds them of you and cumming the better. This is most important step and will make the rest easy.
Here are several ways in which to eat pussy for the maximun effect. First you can go with the basics to get your technique down (pun intended). With the woman lying on her back simply go down on her. Now when eating pussy think of your tongue as an artist would his brush. Your finger(s) is also a brush that must be used similtaneously to stimulate multiple spots at the same time. He doesn't just throw panint at the canvis and neither should you throw you tongue around with no thought. Prep the pussy before you dive in. Its like a baked potatoe you have to open it up and get it wet before you dig in. Harder is not always better, be sure to communicate with each other. To maximize this position put a pillow under her back... it opens her up more.
Secondly you can eat her from the back, by putting her on her knees. With this a part of the pussy that normally does not get as much attention is the main course. Besides being on her knees this will also work with her bent over an object like a chair, the bed, a desk, a sink, the kitchen counter, etc.
Thirdly eat them while they are standing up. When cumming their knees will become weak, literally. Now for added effect throw one leg over your shoulder. Trying to concentrate standing on one leg while cumming is a difficult task. Beside I get a kick out of seeing them grab the door handle to keep themselves up or falling on the floor altogether. To enhance this position position her to where she is looking at a full length mirror so that she can watch you eat her out from several angles.
The fourth should only be done after one or more of the first three are done. Pussy sitting on my face was how i almost sufficated. First rule of this is to learn how to hold your breath for a really long time. When orgasming she will forget that you need to breath. If the woman has never had someone do this to her she is going to ask "you want me to do what?" You tell her to climb up on your face and feed daddy that pussy. She will like the fact that she seems to be in control. I must also recommend that you get the paint you can wipe down with soap and water. I have makeup stains on the wall above my bed. While cumming they will be grabbing the wall and putting their face against it while cursing you for making them cum and orgasm so hard.
May the rest of your days be filled with many orgasms and if you haven't already SIT on someone's FACE today!!! :-]~
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Sunday, June 3, 2007
The Cure
It was requested that I write a story... So I did. Its a story that starts at the ending and the ending begins wit me and you. Do enjoy!
The Cure is a journey. A journey called destiny. A destiny filled with romance, love, hate, sorrow, joy, pain and much more. To experience joy is to have experience sorrow, to celebrate a win you must have lost a game or two. I enjoy the rays of sunshine because my face has beaten by the rain. All these emotions come through living out ones destiny. Destiny is not something that happens by chance. It only happens when one makes decisions to chase a dream. When in pursuit of these dreams, your dreams will pursue you. The Cure is a tale of two men unalike other than their common thread to live a purpose filled life. These thin threads commonly known as occurrences connect many pieces of the puzzle called fate. The fate of these two men and the world rest on ones ability to live a purpose fill life that will ultimately affect the destiny of mankind.
When taking any journey one must first know the destination in order to chart the route he should take. The destination is where we will start. Imagine a world where no disease can destroy man or a section of mankind, as some believe to be planned events. In order to conceive this one must be willing to remove the limitations of “reality.” Reality is nothing more than ones world that he or she has architected using self-imposed limitations as the mortar to hold it together. Man only uses on average 5% of their brain capacity. Some of our top performers like Einstein used less than 15. Top performing athletes; train hours on end to get their body to do amazing things. The four minute mile once perceived to be un-accomplishable by man, was broken because one man decided it was not impossible. Since that sunny day many men have broken through that wall of impossibilities. The mere existence of rules and records is to spear man’s inter-self to push him and others beyond that point. Pushing past the mental block that ask why, and start asking why not? This competitive nature of man shows its face everywhere. Bath Ruth’s’ records broken by Mark McGuire only lasted a few years to be broken by Barry Bonds. The phenomenon known as Michael Jordan, Air Jordan or simply MJ, birthed such talent of LeBron James and Kobe Bryant who emulate his greatness. The definition of an empire was forever changed by the legendary Roman Empire. The bar of a wealth of a nation is reset time and time again by the world power The United States of America. However un-united we are at times; nobody has yet got on a water craft to sail away from our shores. And however traitorous Our past history is, men made the most of opportunities they were presented with. Destiny, the thin threads created by our decisions, once again has brought the stage of opportunity to prove that we are the greatest nation birthing our greatest resource… our people.
AIDS, possibly the world’s most unforgiving social disaster, a silent killer that lurks for it prey. Every year this assassin strikes without ones knowledge, only for years later for that person to die from his accuracy. Some would argue that slavery vs. holocaust or 911vs Katrina for the top title in human disasters. Not to take away from those tragedies, AIDS has done far more. We knew when the shackles of slavery were clamped; we knew when they were broken. We knew when the plane hit the twins; we know when we bombed them back. AIDS however, does not show it face for many years. Going undetected in ones body for years it lurks waiting to strike. Since there is no defense for this disease it comes and goes as it pleases. How many people really have it, when its attacks are made up of stealth tactics? To date… These are just the ones that we know about. How people are floating through life who do not see the assassin’s shadow lurking over there prey? How many of these floaters are freely giving their friends, family and those one night stands that are hiding in the closet the mark. The mark, allows the assassin to come and go undetected by the human eye. The mark has been recorded more million kills to date, but how many more will drop? Thousands, hundreds of Thousands or more like millions more will drop if The Cure is not found.
We plan to cure the world of from this deadly assassin, using its many alias AIDS sometimes HIV or the silent killer. The Cure is journey of two men’s destiny whose thin threads are intertwined with many other men’s thin threads that will lead to the assassination of the assassin.
Now that we know were we are going we can start at the beginning.
The Cure is a journey. A journey called destiny. A destiny filled with romance, love, hate, sorrow, joy, pain and much more. To experience joy is to have experience sorrow, to celebrate a win you must have lost a game or two. I enjoy the rays of sunshine because my face has beaten by the rain. All these emotions come through living out ones destiny. Destiny is not something that happens by chance. It only happens when one makes decisions to chase a dream. When in pursuit of these dreams, your dreams will pursue you. The Cure is a tale of two men unalike other than their common thread to live a purpose filled life. These thin threads commonly known as occurrences connect many pieces of the puzzle called fate. The fate of these two men and the world rest on ones ability to live a purpose fill life that will ultimately affect the destiny of mankind.
When taking any journey one must first know the destination in order to chart the route he should take. The destination is where we will start. Imagine a world where no disease can destroy man or a section of mankind, as some believe to be planned events. In order to conceive this one must be willing to remove the limitations of “reality.” Reality is nothing more than ones world that he or she has architected using self-imposed limitations as the mortar to hold it together. Man only uses on average 5% of their brain capacity. Some of our top performers like Einstein used less than 15. Top performing athletes; train hours on end to get their body to do amazing things. The four minute mile once perceived to be un-accomplishable by man, was broken because one man decided it was not impossible. Since that sunny day many men have broken through that wall of impossibilities. The mere existence of rules and records is to spear man’s inter-self to push him and others beyond that point. Pushing past the mental block that ask why, and start asking why not? This competitive nature of man shows its face everywhere. Bath Ruth’s’ records broken by Mark McGuire only lasted a few years to be broken by Barry Bonds. The phenomenon known as Michael Jordan, Air Jordan or simply MJ, birthed such talent of LeBron James and Kobe Bryant who emulate his greatness. The definition of an empire was forever changed by the legendary Roman Empire. The bar of a wealth of a nation is reset time and time again by the world power The United States of America. However un-united we are at times; nobody has yet got on a water craft to sail away from our shores. And however traitorous Our past history is, men made the most of opportunities they were presented with. Destiny, the thin threads created by our decisions, once again has brought the stage of opportunity to prove that we are the greatest nation birthing our greatest resource… our people.
AIDS, possibly the world’s most unforgiving social disaster, a silent killer that lurks for it prey. Every year this assassin strikes without ones knowledge, only for years later for that person to die from his accuracy. Some would argue that slavery vs. holocaust or 911vs Katrina for the top title in human disasters. Not to take away from those tragedies, AIDS has done far more. We knew when the shackles of slavery were clamped; we knew when they were broken. We knew when the plane hit the twins; we know when we bombed them back. AIDS however, does not show it face for many years. Going undetected in ones body for years it lurks waiting to strike. Since there is no defense for this disease it comes and goes as it pleases. How many people really have it, when its attacks are made up of stealth tactics? To date… These are just the ones that we know about. How people are floating through life who do not see the assassin’s shadow lurking over there prey? How many of these floaters are freely giving their friends, family and those one night stands that are hiding in the closet the mark. The mark, allows the assassin to come and go undetected by the human eye. The mark has been recorded more million kills to date, but how many more will drop? Thousands, hundreds of Thousands or more like millions more will drop if The Cure is not found.
We plan to cure the world of from this deadly assassin, using its many alias AIDS sometimes HIV or the silent killer. The Cure is journey of two men’s destiny whose thin threads are intertwined with many other men’s thin threads that will lead to the assassination of the assassin.
Now that we know were we are going we can start at the beginning.
Friday, June 1, 2007
My Favorite MILF

I want to make an announcement about my Favorite MILF. This week she is coming out with her first published book of poetry, Lavish Line/Luscious Lies. Some of you might know her as Girly Girl or her gov't name Saadia, but she can now be known as Andrew's Favorite MILF... don't worry she will answer to that.
This weekend she is NYC promoting her new book at the BookExpo of America. There is 500 pre-release copies. I happen to have one personally signed, now the rest of the Asshole Nation and the mortals can stop by Barnes and and to get your copy.
You might remember her ASS Poem she wrote for me, now you can get her 1st volume.

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