Sunday, June 3, 2007

The Cure

It was requested that I write a story... So I did. Its a story that starts at the ending and the ending begins wit me and you. Do enjoy!

The Cure is a journey. A journey called destiny. A destiny filled with romance, love, hate, sorrow, joy, pain and much more. To experience joy is to have experience sorrow, to celebrate a win you must have lost a game or two. I enjoy the rays of sunshine because my face has beaten by the rain. All these emotions come through living out ones destiny. Destiny is not something that happens by chance. It only happens when one makes decisions to chase a dream. When in pursuit of these dreams, your dreams will pursue you. The Cure is a tale of two men unalike other than their common thread to live a purpose filled life. These thin threads commonly known as occurrences connect many pieces of the puzzle called fate. The fate of these two men and the world rest on ones ability to live a purpose fill life that will ultimately affect the destiny of mankind.

When taking any journey one must first know the destination in order to chart the route he should take. The destination is where we will start. Imagine a world where no disease can destroy man or a section of mankind, as some believe to be planned events. In order to conceive this one must be willing to remove the limitations of “reality.” Reality is nothing more than ones world that he or she has architected using self-imposed limitations as the mortar to hold it together. Man only uses on average 5% of their brain capacity. Some of our top performers like Einstein used less than 15. Top performing athletes; train hours on end to get their body to do amazing things. The four minute mile once perceived to be un-accomplishable by man, was broken because one man decided it was not impossible. Since that sunny day many men have broken through that wall of impossibilities. The mere existence of rules and records is to spear man’s inter-self to push him and others beyond that point. Pushing past the mental block that ask why, and start asking why not? This competitive nature of man shows its face everywhere. Bath Ruth’s’ records broken by Mark McGuire only lasted a few years to be broken by Barry Bonds. The phenomenon known as Michael Jordan, Air Jordan or simply MJ, birthed such talent of LeBron James and Kobe Bryant who emulate his greatness. The definition of an empire was forever changed by the legendary Roman Empire. The bar of a wealth of a nation is reset time and time again by the world power The United States of America. However un-united we are at times; nobody has yet got on a water craft to sail away from our shores. And however traitorous Our past history is, men made the most of opportunities they were presented with. Destiny, the thin threads created by our decisions, once again has brought the stage of opportunity to prove that we are the greatest nation birthing our greatest resource… our people.

AIDS, possibly the world’s most unforgiving social disaster, a silent killer that lurks for it prey. Every year this assassin strikes without ones knowledge, only for years later for that person to die from his accuracy. Some would argue that slavery vs. holocaust or 911vs Katrina for the top title in human disasters. Not to take away from those tragedies, AIDS has done far more. We knew when the shackles of slavery were clamped; we knew when they were broken. We knew when the plane hit the twins; we know when we bombed them back. AIDS however, does not show it face for many years. Going undetected in ones body for years it lurks waiting to strike. Since there is no defense for this disease it comes and goes as it pleases. How many people really have it, when its attacks are made up of stealth tactics? To date… These are just the ones that we know about. How people are floating through life who do not see the assassin’s shadow lurking over there prey? How many of these floaters are freely giving their friends, family and those one night stands that are hiding in the closet the mark. The mark, allows the assassin to come and go undetected by the human eye. The mark has been recorded more million kills to date, but how many more will drop? Thousands, hundreds of Thousands or more like millions more will drop if The Cure is not found.

We plan to cure the world of from this deadly assassin, using its many alias AIDS sometimes HIV or the silent killer. The Cure is journey of two men’s destiny whose thin threads are intertwined with many other men’s thin threads that will lead to the assassination of the assassin.

Now that we know were we are going we can start at the beginning.


Anonymous said...

Now where we are going...first read..totally perplexed...second read
fidgeting in mind...third

a story stats from end wow!!a brilliant perspective woven with asshole word..
dude didn't knw fart also can smells so good ..he he..
waiting for more to come

Destiny is not something that happens by chance. It only happens when one makes decisions to chase a dream. just wonderful..amazing
once read the world's greatest lie is that at a certain point in our lives, we lose control of what’s happening to us, and our lives become controlled by fate.

Katie McKenna said...

Interesting to read ... I'll be back by and by...

humbl devil said...

and i thought this was only a prelude...
or is it still coming???

Andrew The Asshole said...

Dream Catcher ~ Yeah that is a big lie that alot of people believe. What happen to that childhood spirit that says you can be anything you want?

Katie ~ Thanks for coming through

Humbl Devil ~ In a way you could say it is, but I'm not writing a book on my blog and I probably could write a whole book on that.

Anonymous said...

The child ha ha..we are digging it inside us ...this body is just the graveyard..we keep putting more n more mud to it..
and when we see what we have done we try bringing out that child..but its gone so the surface a rock concrete...very few get it back..others leave it like looser..

D said...

Did you say story? Wasn't this more like an essay?!

Katie said...

Interesting post

Enemy of the Republic said...

You know why there is no cure, don't you?

Unknown said...

Excellent post, Andrew. By the way, I just read your comments on my STREETWISE THINKING blog (wow!) and left a question for you...

Jeya Anand said...

Man that was great...A story starts with an ending and moves towards the beginning ...simply awesome...

I m linking u btw...

ANNA-LYS said...

Re-visiting ... will get back

Unknown said...

I say wear a condom?

CapCity said...

hmmmm, jury's still out...but glad u brought it to the attention of many...

dcsavvystar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dcsavvystar said...

first of all, i'd like to say that dream catcher is the man... that was deep. so was this story... whew. andrew -really, this was something else. tight work

Andrew The Asshole said...

Dream Catcher ~ that was poetically put. It reminds me of what Ben Franklin said, "the average American dies at twenty-one and is busried at sixty-five.

Me ~ I guess essay by definition would be more appropriate for this post.

Katie ~ always a pleasure

EOR ~ There is no money in a cure. once a virus hits the blood stream it morphs with time and today we take more medications than we did when small pox vaccine was made.

Missy ~ yes do rap up

Cap/Ced/Dcsvvystar ~ Thnks for coming through

AVIANA said...


Thank you for passing by. It's always great to meet new people in this blogworld.

I would be more excited but I am going through some stuff right now as you read on my blog. I won't be updating for a bit as I deal with some issues.

I think for most diseases there is a cure but the issue may be why isn't the cure made available to those who need it? Or at least ways to prevent it like condomns for sex and the conservative right tactic of not giving condoms to Africans in Africa where there is the largest population of AIDS and it's growing exponentially everyday. teachign religion/abstinence is a myth. giving condoms is a fact. it stops the spread of AIDS....

i talked too much


Enemy of the Republic said...

I agree, Andrew the Asshole.

Impressionist said...

Nicely written brotha! :)
sorry for the delay! I had my exams goin! wrote my last paper today!

peace & love

Andrew The Asshole said...

Lisa ~ maybe there country should provide them with condoms. US can only solve the problems of countries that have oil LOL

Rajeev ~ Congrats on your last paper!