Monday, September 24, 2007

Ask The Ass Mondays - Jena 6

I was happy to see a peaceful demonstration this past week. However, I am highly disappointed that more time mainstream media shows American Americans and other minorities in a negative light. Until 10,000+ people came to Jena, more time has been spent on O.J.'s robbery and Mike Vick dog fighting. The media is ready to lynch these two athletes and still want to dismiss the "Jena 6" as though its not a big deal.

This Monday I would like to propose a question of own to all my readers. Are minorities preceived in a negative light because of the way they are protrayed in the media? Or is stereotyping based on fact?


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that anyone who ties sloppy-ass nooses like at the start of the video should be hung from his own rope. Sheesh, people, show some pride in your handiwork.

Ticia said...

Hey Boo!!
How are you?

Yes, I was happy for the peace in the demonstration.

Ambz said...

I think all stereotypes are based in some shred of fact, as it relates to one's experience or what one was told.

The problem with stereotypes is, they free someone from becoming a critical thinker, and/or living in reality.

We addressed the Jena Six on our site and also made comics referring to Michael Vick and rappers who ain't gave none of their money to cause.. check us out.

CapCity said...

just came by to say Hey since i've been busy in real life & it's been a minute. too drained to comment in depth on any of your emotional &/or controversial topics;-)

N@nc! said...

helloooo!!! long time i didnt came here!!!

Jim said...

stereotyping is a result of media news which is lopsided and reinforces stereo types

cut the heavy topics
lets have more of the agony aunt

Ticia said...

Hey Andrew..

What are you doing this weekend?
Flying to the chi?