Tuesday, May 15, 2007

There's a Market for NIGGAS

My latest bookmarked blog is ced.it/mean.it he posted the above video, which i had to show him some love like only an asshole like myself could.

There is a push to clean up hip hop music after IMUS's "nappy-headed" comments. Is this really a black hip hop issue? You can find a negative stereotype of all most any race protrayed in some form of media.

The Italian Mafia, South American Drug Lords, African Blood Diamonds, The Middle East Bombers, etc

If you clean up one well, hell should we just get rid of the 1st ammendment all together? Next we will be having a police society like in the movie V for Vendetta.

Is this a real problem and we need to censor everything, or is this just a reaction to recent events that will soon be forgotten?


Unknown said...

It never was a hip hop issue. The focal point was shifted from a crass remark with a confused outlook. The tactic has worked in America for everything from Presidential impeachment procedures to dealing with landlords for centuries. Imus had the First Amendment right to be an ass, but he risked a nice slander suit (lawyers, please correct me and educate me if I used the wrong term.) as he echoed the producer's words and added a little "icing" to the proverbial cake. Censorship is the last thing we need! Respect...is another story.

THE MUSIC INDUSTRY is screwing up right now in nearly every genre, but the "black eye" (no pun intended) that mass media focuses as the problem just so happens to be the largest money-maker in the recording industry. Rock music has bad language, sexual themes, and historically horrible backstage antics (or great parties, depending on your perspective). Gimme a break!

Record executives and the listening public define what sells and what flops. Record companies are pushing garbage music now even harder than they pushed some of the more conscious work just a couple of years ago. Some people prefer radio play to help them determine what they will buy. God bless 'em.

The only censorship we need is self-censorship! Had to toss that in!

Nice blog, Drew.

Cortney Gee and The Celebrity Cane Corsos said...

Nice Blog Drew I dig the asshole perspective ...no pun intended

Saadia said...

Hi, Cort! Hi, Ced!

Andrew, you continue to impress me!

Bone said...

ello! dropped in to say i loved your comment on my blog. i scrapped the post though. little voice in my head scolded me to rather do it instead of talk about it :D

Cortney Gee and The Celebrity Cane Corsos said...

Hey Girly this dude is truly an AssHole.... I like his style ...

Anonymous said...

arent you caucasion?

Oh well

Nice lil post.......but uh wait I'll be back

Anonymous said...

I suspect all of this hype will die down in another four or five months. I mean, I keep hearing new, more ridiculous rap songs on the radio and that Opie and Anthony just got suspended from XM Radio the other day.

I agree with ced.it/meant.it. It's a matter of using common sense and self-censoring.

Andrew The Asshole said...

CED ~ Thanks for the clarification on the subject matter. I agree the music industry will always have offensive music for the reason that rules are ment to be broken.

Society will set the bar for what is offensive with their dollars. As generations come and go that bar will be reset time and time again.

Cortneygee ~ Thanks for the assholish love!!

Girly Girl ~ I always happy to satisfy fine ass women with cigars

Andrew The Asshole said...

Oliver ~ Don't scrap it, maybe some else can learn from your post.

yazmar ~ I leave my age and nationality a mystery in my writing so that I can take any side of a topic and still mantain my ASSHOLE integrity!!!!

Andrew The Asshole said...

Sugar ~ we should self censor ourselves and of course we all can vote with our dollars.

Saadia said...

Uh...what kind of cigars? Are we talking Cohibas?

Oh, and Cort...I like this asshole's style, too. (But I still dig you, Darling)

Andrew The Asshole said...

I like cohibas, montecristo and romeo & Juliet, and cubans when can I can get them

Andrew The Asshole said...

you posted a picture of you smoking a cigar which is so sexy

Saadia said...

I knew I liked you, Andrew!!!

I'll work on your poem tonight!

Andrew The Asshole said...

Girly Girl~ Oh thank you so much. I know when I read it fireworks will go off and your eyes my heart melt.

N@nc! said...

very interesting!!!!
thanks for share

dc_speaks said...

I posted a comment about this on another blog.

The video is quite interesting.

Excellent post topic, Andrew.

Andrew The Asshole said...

soul&body ~ Thanks for stopping by

dc_speaks ~ Yeah ced.it/mean.it dropped the video on me and thanks for coming through you always drop nuggets of knowledge off.

Anonymous said...

Excellent video. Thanks for posting. Does this guy have anything else?

Andrew The Asshole said...

Yeah he does have some stand up on You Tube. he is a great thinker and thinks outside of the box.

Unknown said...

It's not a real issue.

It's an over reaction from bleeding heart liberals.