Saturday, May 26, 2007

THINK and Grow RICH or Stay Poor

The below article is in response to discussions I have had on Ced's Blog and his frequent reader Dave. The discussion was in reference to wealth, poverty, race and class. My stand point has been that your position in life change be changed by simply changing your thoughts. The article is written for wealth vs poverty but wealth and poverty is more than just money its health, relationships and over all way of life.

Join me as I explain the Law of Attraction. Below is a you tube link of successful people speaking on the same subject.


“Emotions provoke your thinking; your thoughts will determine your actions; your actions determine your results.”
- Andrew The Asshole

Wealth and Poverty are both REALATIVE term that exists among all races. Poverty can be broken into two categories: Generational – 2 or more generations and Situational – sudden death, divorce, etc.

Wealth and POVERTY can be traced back to one’s thoughts. Considering we generally learn how to think by the environment we grow up in; so it is true that the RICH get RICHer and the POOR get POORer. Whatever tax bracket you are raised in the chances of you do drastically better are highly Unlikely.

INSANITY: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
“The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it’s the same problem you had last year.” - John Foster Dulles

Growing up my parents would always tell me that birds of a feather FLOCK together. As adults sometimes we forget that this rule still APPLIES. Take the time to think of your 5 closest friends and your income will be on average within 5% of each other.

If my parents or guardians were POOR; then go to college were 90% of professors are POOR; then I hang out with my neighbors or co-workers who are POOR… Chances are I’m going to be POOR too.

I believe that people can have and accomplish anything they want… But a wise man once me that, “Blowing smoke in your own face will only make you cough.” You can have anything you want, but you aren’t going to get it with you CURRENT thought process. If you could get there with your current THOUGHT process then you would ALREADY be there. If you don’t like were you are in life you can probably trace it back to your thoughts. This change will take time and might even be painful but “Pain is weakness leaving the body.”

BELOW is a chart from Paine’s book “A Frame work for POVERTY.” The chart describes the different thoughts of the different classes to the same situation. BELOW is a list of though-processes from Paine's book “A Framework for POVERTY.” The following describes the different thoughts of the different classes to the same situations. (P) - Poor; (M) - Middle Class; (W) - Wealthy.

P: People
M: Things
W: One of a kind Objects, Legacy, Pedigree

P: Used to be spent
M: Managed
W: Conserve, Invest

P: Entertainment, Sense of Humor
M: Stability, Achievement highly Valued
W: Connections: Social, Political, Financial

Social Emphasis
P: Social Inclusion he or she likes
M: Self-Governing, Self Sufficiency
W: Social Exclusion

P: Quantity, Do you have enough?
M: Quality, Was it good?
W: Presentation

P: Individual Style, Personality
M: Quality, Labels, Acceptance into the middle class
W: Designer, Artistic sense, Expression

P: Present Thinking Only
M: Future
W: Traditions, History

P: Not Really Important
M: Crucial for the climbing the ladder of success
W: Necessary tradition for making connections

P: Fate
M: Choice, Can change the future with good choices
W: Nobleness Oblige

P: Casual, Survival
M: Formal, Used to negotiate
W: Formal for Networking

Family Structure
P: Matriarchal, Women are the head of the house
M: Patriarchal, Father is head of the house
W: Whoever has the most money

Love & Acceptances
P: Conditional, Based on whether the individual likes them or not
M: Conditional, Based on Achievements
W: Conditional, Related to social standing

World Views
P: Local
M: National
W: International

Driving Forces
P: Survival, Entertainment, Relationships
M: Work, Achievements
W: Connections: Social, Political, Financial

P: People or Sexual
M: Situational
W: Social Faux Tas
Can wealth be obtained by simply changing your way of thinking?


`NEFTY said...

Um, excuse you... I said is was my opinion so I don't know what your'e talking 'bout shorty.

Anonymous said...

I fully agree 100%. Wealth is derived solely on how you think. If you think you can become wealthy, you will lay the foundation and chart your course in life to make it happen. If you are content and don't think you deserve anything more than what you already have, then you've just determined your own destiny.

Despite one's past, upbringing, or societal standards - life is what you make of it and "IT" starts with the way you think.

The thought process chart from Paine's book is right on point. I was nodding as I was reading the list. My own thoughts shift between M and W, but I'm working on a transition to W everyday.

Excellent post!

Single Ma said...

Not sure why my above comment posted as anon.

~Single Ma

Dave J. said...

What if you are born physically or mentally disabled? What if you are born the member of a minority who is routinely discriminated against?

There are conditions within our society that are nearly impossible to rise above. No amount of positive wealth based thinking can erase these conditions, hence they must be worked around.

When we work around them, even when we are extremely successful, we are often cut short by the presence of a glass ceiling, and in some cases, the concrete ceiling. If you do not know what these concepts are, familiarize yourself with them. Without taking those concepts into account, your theory is incomplete.

As far as us having had discussion(s), I only ever feel like you talk at me, not with me. But hey, I probably do the same thing to you. It is difficult to respect someone who disrespects them self such that they refer to them self as an Asshole.

Different strokes for different folks.

Andrew The Asshole said...

Nefty ~ of course I had to leave a smart comment sweetie

anonymous ~ You took the hardest step which is the decision to think differently

Single Ma ~ yeah they could have left their name

Dave ~ "There are conditions within our society that are nearly impossible to rise above"

The key word being NEARLY and the nearly is the part that holds back. We are all came here from another country so every nationality is a minority.

Glass Ceiling ~ Well when you own the company there is no glass ceiling. Fuck the corporate lader build your own thing.

As far as me being an asshole, its a character whose name is a play on words. Half the people come because of the name... Its called marketing.

Anonymous said...

very very thotful...

Growing up my parents would always tell me that birds of a feather FLOCK together. very true...i never thot this way...

A thot process ahs always been makes u waht ur n what u will be...a clear defined thot process is mark of success

must say highly organized chart...long live asshole ;)

Saadia said...

I actually attended the Paine workshop entitled 'The Framework for Poverty.' I thought it was fascinating because I was teaching 'at risk' or 'underpriviliged' students at the time.

Have you read the book 'The Secret?' It discusses the law of attraction in great detail. After reading the book, I have really altered the way I think about many things. Fab post, Andrew.

Andrew The Asshole said...

Dream Catcher ~ Yes Long Live the Great Asshole. Basketball players usually hang with ball players, teachers usually hang with other teachers, etc Successful people hang with successfully people and Losers usually hang with Losers.

Girly Girl ~ Yes my mom is a teacher as well, and thats how I got introduced to the book. My parents have M mindset and I have a W mindset so it helped her understand me and my thought process. The Secret is a great book. I put the Youtube link of the first 20 minutes of the DVD at the top of the post.

Enemy of the Republic said...

Oh, I get it. This is based on that book, The Secret, right? Or am I being an asshole?

Saadia said...

Oh, and Andrew? You mos DEF get what you pay for--don't EVER forget it, Darling! xoxox

Andrew The Asshole said...

Enemy of the Republic ~ I did get some of my principles from that book. Also "Think and Grow Rich", "A Frame work for Poverty", "Millionaire's Mind", "Purpose" and I can name many more

GG ~ I toldly agree. Everything is bait

CapCity said...

This is my first time in this BlackHole of yours AtheA:-)...

My two cents:

1 cent: I was moved to leave my "safety zone (j.o.b)" by attending FREE seminars led at my church by this Brother Andrew Morrison. I refuse to put money twd the Secret = too much hype. ain't mad at their marketing, but i find same "secrets" from many others...okay, that was more than 1 cent:-)

2 cent: i am learning to practice the birds of a feather thing, but still have some loved ones who are exempt & in my circle despite their circum$tance$...

okay, gotta add a
3rd cent:-)
This country is PROOF that U really can BE what ever u wanna be - i know there are some instances of physical limitations & discrimination, etc.
But ONLY in America - can the "CHATTEL" (we were not even deemed human until they needed extra'frkahs) rise above the "Leadership" AND... I may get ripped for this - but i often laugh at destitute descendants of this country's "founding fathers" - How in da HALE can u have EVERY MutherFreakin' THANG LAID out for u and U STILL F' it UP!?! I even heard a comedian of Irish Descent say when his "brethen" come to him begging, he screams, "Hey Fella, it's all SET up FOR us!"

great post A the A...not that u need or want my "approval" - but u know opinions are like A-holes - we all got 'em. LOL!

Keshi said...

What great advice!!


Todd said...

You put it perfectly. I see many people who are very well off financially and yet are still the most miserable people you'd ever meet. They wake up every morning angry.

Andrew The Asshole said...

Cap ~ Welcome to the Hole...LOL!! The Secret is one of 50 books in my library so it was influental but not the primary sourse of this info.

True friends might not join you on your journey but they won't make you feel bad about making yourself better. Peer pressure can be good or bad, and people don't like to be left behind so maybe they will join you once they see you succeed.

Yeah totally with your comments on this country. Check out my post "Nobody Gives a Dam" I out line that as well

Keshi ~ Thanks for stopping by

Todd ~ Yeah that not wealth, wealth is about being balanced in all areas of your life.

`NEFTY said...

Obviously I don't like that shit.

N@nc! said...

well i agree with that, it was very well toughted ;)

Unknown said...

Andrew, Cap said my thoughts with even greater clarity than I could! Read her comment again...and Girly Girl is DEFINITELY a MILF!

Andrew The Asshole said...

Ced ~ yeah cap was definately on point. There has been about 50+ books that I've read that has inspired this post. I will probably right a book on the topic in the future.

And GG is my favorite MILF... she's even has ambition with upcoming release of her poetry book. Ambition is so sexy.

lisa q. said...

fabulous article! thanks for stopping by my living the secret blog...

Dangerfield said...

Good post my andrew. Very thoughtful Im feeling you on what you say about changing ones attitude.

Katie McKenna said...

I found this post to be interesting and entertaining... I do believe that we choose our paths through our actions that we chose by our thoughts. The only thing is I do not necessarily believe that wealth is the final answer. However, as always, I speak only for myself.

I appreciate your post here, thank you.