Monday, July 2, 2007

Ask The Ass Mondays - Independence Week

Ask the Ass Monday last week seemed to be dominated by racial topics. I am hoping that in the coming weeks Al “Perm” Sharpton and Jesse Jackson will be stopping by the blog to ask me to apologize for my insensitivity. Ticia with her sexy smile slid me an invite for me to send her my picture… thus revealing the true identity of Andrew. Women smiling and fluttering their eye lashes have gathered much valuable information over the years, but it’s not that easy with me sweetie. Now Anonymous has a fantasy that Andrew is actually an aggressive modern day woman. I’m not sure whether anonymous was a woman or man… I’m thinking it is woman that may have read my “Eating Pussy” article. For all those that submitted questions today I will repost my answers tomorrow. With no further a due here is this week’s installment of Ask The Ass Monday.

Hotnikz – How do I feel about illegally downloading music or movies of actors or musicians that I like?
Yes do download with out “paying” for it. I think this gives artist and the business that finance a chance to show their creativity in creating new and innovative ways to make the customer buy the “real” thing. If it wasn’t for “illegal” downloading in record numbers the ipod might not have came about. You can now watch movies and TV shows on you ipod and many cell phones today. It’s the companies’ responsibility to protect their products in today economy.

Anonymous – They wrote a long poem about the shallow “American” way of life. From the fact that America is preaching human rights in 3rd world countries, we like are women “skinny”…
I’m not sure whether this poem was from an America who has a chip on their shoulder (probably some that doesn’t fit the status quo i.e. a bitter minority, a majority crusader, a plus size person, civil right activity, tree hugging green person… if I left anyone out I do apologize.) or a foreigner that just doesn’t like Americans. But which ever person wrote the poem her are my thoughts. We should preach human rights by somebody, America took on the challenge or at least funded. Maybe we are trying to ease our conscious of our own past, but then again our past is not much different than any other country. In war up until modern day “slaves” have been common. At some point all countries have been slave to another one… It’s called war and at some point there is rebellion that power changes hands and you get your freedom. Now, about our immoralities of our culture… Are Americans having sex at an early age? In my option most people regardless of the country “wait” to have sex mostly for religious reason. A small percentage of people wait fro “love” or marriage. Skinny women…. In different parts of the world and even different parts of the US “beauty” is defined differently. And all societies keep up with their own trends. In your pursuit to be “un-American” you place value on certain things, thus creating your own trends to follow. People have their own preference, that’s why “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

Cap – Last week Cap the crusade on the “black” or “African American” conversation last week. I have a question for her and all my readers’ in regards to her comments. She said that “blacks” are the most influential culture worldwide. Do you mean black or African? Do you readers agree or disagree? And has this “influence” been positive or negative? If you read the Bible isn’t everyone from Africa and Middle Eastern region that then migrated to different parts of the world? Every country has a “light” and “dark” people living including Africa, so why are do so many American minorities most “blacks” complaining? “Slavery” was the norm until modern day history. In war on country conquered another and usually enslaved those they defeated… Is American history so different than other countries?

Ticia - Will she ever meet the Love of her Life?
Well, In my humble but accurate always right option: you've already met Andrew so you can stop searching... it gets no better than me sweetie.

Nefty - How do I feel about men being able to get pregnant?
I think that would be a sick joke, but I'm sure some women would love to see how men would handle it. If there body was built to do that then I think they would handle it in the same way women do. Its all in the mind.

dc_speaks - Who do you think will get the Democratic Presidential nomination...will it be the next viable candidate white male, or will the party try to go with the "first" meaning black or woman? what's your take?
I think that the Democratic in their attempt to make themselves different from the republicans they will either nominate the "first" black or woman. It would be good politics, in my option. Now whether or not they will win the whole election is kinda up in the air. It will largely demend on who comes out of the republican party if they will walk away victorious. Alot of the candidates have deep pockets so it will be interesting to see who can buy it this. In a couple of weeks I will probably post an article in how elections are bought, so look for it.

Confessing7girl - Is Andrew The Ass really a Dominatrix woman?
I admit I can be aggressive depending on the day you catch me, but I will leave that male/female fantasy question to the man or woman that created that fantasey. Mystery is good though.


Ticia said...

Thanks you are truly the Asshole I have been searching for :)

Saadia said...

Andrew and Ticia sitting in a tree/ k i s s i n g....

dc_speaks said... dealt well with my question. I didn't intend to make it into a racial situation, but the election is weighing on my mind heavily these days.

good deal dude.

JustMeWriting said...

hey andrew...well cap's not here YET, but I'm going to just say...YES, you're correct about all the historical technicalities; African, Bible, Slaves, Light/Dark in other ethnicies...all that crap, because that's what it equates to...LOL (true and all).

Despite ALL that, where talking about the affects of slavery...even on the MINDS of Black people. Being ostracized, degraded, detached from our culture and even family long AFTER slavery. Man, I could go into this, but it's pointless...people are going to think what they want, and it's late and my head already hurts...LOL, so good night...I'll be back to see what cap says.

*Tanyetta* said...

just stopped by to say hi :)

Anonymous said...

there was no value judgement intended about my perception of americans

i just wanted to have confirmation whether my perceptions are true or false

Andrew The Asshole said...

Ticia - yes I am!! You can rest your feet now that you have found me.

Girly Girl - Now you know that you are still my favorite MILF

DC - I don't think it was racially motivated its just the democratic's pushing to be different. Did you see Oboma raised a record $58 million?

JustMeAsking - I'm sorry your head hurts... Let me tell you a bed time story and rub your head. All those mental road blocks have been put in place to seperate and divid. Why harp on it... SELF-Esteem requires SELF to grow it. "blacks" have been influential in music and entertainment... and yes that is worldwide.

Tanyetta - Thanks for coming through.

Anonymous - Yeah I imagine you can go anywhere and find "stereotypes"

hottnikz said...

OK, so you think that by downloading for free it challenges record labels to find better ways to "protect" their music. I understand where your coming from, and believe me I have no sympathy for the Major record labels that basically pimp their artists. I was just wondering.

CapCity said...

Ahhh, answer my question w/ a question, huh? real slick...
As Sistah JMW stated - the detachment from our original cultures (& the systematic erasing of languages and other practices of retaining a cultural identity) took Slavery in The Americas to a WHOLE 'nuther level & made it different from any prior enslavement practiced!

Andrew - no response to the White Privilege article?

Ticia said...

What are you doing for the holiday?
Drop me a line on my blog--

I think I am going to stay in the house-- I don't feel like being in crowds tonight and tomorrow--

confessing7girl said...

ah ah always keeping the mystery!!!!! ;)

Andrew The Asshole said...

capcity - well stated it was taken to a whole nother level... maybe they learned from the failures of past societies and ancient empirers that ultimately lost control. Depending on which way you view American slavery and the new slavery I like to call the middle class it was and is a great success of the past. So that slavery is over how can 'blacks' progress themselve forward?

Confessing7 - If I run for president one day I don't want any of these article to come back and haunt me... other than my "Eating Pussy" article that would be a great hit for an those interns.

N@nc! said...

i like the monday questions!!!! rulezzz

`NEFTY said...

Hahaha, yeah that's what I meant, I wanted to see if I would throw you off on that question;]]
Anyhows, that's why I think it'd be something interesting because maybe then men wouldn't be so bitter on the fact to leave their family.

Andrew The Asshole said...

Cap - I think I'm going to write an article on the "white priveleges" article.

Soul&Body - Yes monday questions do rule because my readers rule.

nefty - yeah you thought by asking a gender related question you could get me to reveal my male/female label??? HA HA I'm smarter than that. Leaders need to be trained by leaders... Men Leadership in today's femanized society is not working.

`NEFTY said...

What the... I don't know what you're talking about???