Monday, July 16, 2007

Special Edition

As many of my regular readers know Mondays are “Ask The Ass” Day, were you ask an array of questions and I answer them as only the Ass can. But today will be different… I’m asking the questions!!! I am asking you to create the future. I am interested in a movement that will be known as TV 2.0. I am considering getting involved with a new internet TV network, Whoosh TV, but more importantly is what you would want?

What features would make you watch TV on the internet, the way past generations have watched traditional TV networks? Netflix allows you to watch movies, generally older movies, for a small monthly fee. Itunes, Imovies and soon Apple TV charges each time you download something. You Tube is free and advertisers pay for the cost of running the business. Viacom just invested $45 million into Joost TV. That is the past, but what will the future look like?

I’ve heard some great ideas from have viewers interact with each other while watching “TV” together, Live broadcasting, and some speak of redefining news, and the next generation of blogging. But in you opinion what do you want TV 2.0 to be like?

Whoosh TV


Jim said...

TV - the idiot box is a cuss

i dont want any TV
was a time when the family wud sit at the dinner table to eat

now my kids stuff their plate and sit on the sofa and watch TV

we dont have any real conversation in the home

if i try to start a topic
my kids tell me to SHUT UP

CapCity said...

it is sad, Jim that in order to take back control u may have to quell a mutiny. LOL!

i think it'd be great if we could put an end to "organized" news and put it into the hands of real people. I'm tired of the propaganda that's being fed to us. What's REALLY going on in the world? give everyone a camera/video phone & turn 'em loose - see what gets promoted then! i BET most of us wouldn't focus on the celebrities like the media does now!

I do have ONE question, Andrew - U been by to check out my latest installment of Life, Love & Dancing? ;-) Also, U missed a controversial topic i had going about Emotional Pimpin'...come on by when u get a minute and bring your friends;-)!

The Brown Blogger said...

Dammit, I just want a sports channel with sports on it.

Or a music channel with music.

You get my drift

Vi said...

Oh don't bloody confuse me!!!!! I've only just got into blogging, let alone watching TV on it! I'm happy to keep to 'normal' TV, at least it gets me actually away from the PC for a little!

Ticia said...

I am leavng tomorrow to go on vacation..I will be in Vegas for a week.....


Andrew The Asshole said...

Jim - get some balls and beat your kids for that

Ticia - Dam you!! See you when you get back

Andrew The Asshole said...

Cap - Current Tv which is owned by Al Gore is trying to do news similar to what you are talking about and maybe your news idea would be the next generation of blogging

Lola Gets said...

Al Jazeera English is one tv news station that shows whats really going on around the world. Google them!

CNBC World is somewhat similar to AJE.