Friday, August 17, 2007
Throw Back: Red or Blue Pill?
Like Morpheus offering Neo, I can only offer you the truth. Some of you reading this will go research how far the rabbit hole goes others of you will go on being delusional. But the red pill has been offered to you...
What if everything you had grown up believing wasn’t really as it appeared, what if it wasn’t true, would you want to know or would you want to live ignorance? Most people’s believe systems are based on their background, or either they rebel and go to the other extreme. Two major divisions of people today are Race and the Political party. What if neither really mattered? I know your saying but there has to be that separation. Do Democrats really care about black people, Do Republics really only care about only white people? Is there that much difference between blacks and whites?
The Art of War, The 48 Laws of Power and many other social studies books all dedicate chapters to the strategy of “Divide and Conquer.” Democrats don’t care about Black people, they simply market their policies to the poor and lower middle class. While, Republicans cater their policies to the middle class and rich. If you look at the races, there is not a drastic difference in culture among the races in the same income bracket.
How do politicians get elected? They must run many ads through various forms of media, all of which takes enormous amounts of money. So who is funding this? Well considering that 80% of the world’s wealth is controlled by less than 20% of the population, they both have to go to the same people for money. Regardless of who wins they both get paid from the same people. We live in the United States of America, the democratic society of the selected. So does your vote really matter… well lets follow the money trail through history.
We’ll start with the current administration. The popular believe is that we would not have gone to war if it wasn’t for Bush and Chaney. Bush who raised a record amount of money for both his terms, but what would have happened if he lost? Democrat, Kerry would have won, who is also member of Yale’s elite secret society, Skull and Bones. The Bush family has been members since the founding of the organization in the late 1800’s. Even though Chaney is not a member himself, there are 8 Chaney’s on the membership list. Out of the 56 appointed positions, 43 are Bones men. Kerry’s administration would not have looked any different. The organization likes war because it lines the pockets of business that profit from war: oil, manufacturing of military goods and its suppliers.
In April of 2001 a gentlemen, Larry Silverstein, purchased building 7 of the WOTC for $15 million. During the summer months he secured a 3.5 billion dollar insurance policy for acts of terrorism. Several months later 9/11 magically happens out of nowhere. He made the argument that because 2 planes hit it was 2 separate acts of terrorism. He was awarded $7 billion. This was the same government building that Mayor Gulioni’s emergency quarters were, yet he decided to heroically run through the streets. This 47 story building was brought down with a couple fires scattered through the building.
In Charlotte, NC the mayor firmly stood against the building of a new stadium for the Bobcats. The city even voted against it. However after the mayor had a meeting with the wealthy of Charlotte (the people who keep him in office by funding his campaign) where the question was asked if he want to be anything more than a mayor? A few days later the stadium was approved by the mayor despite a public vote.
There are many more examples such as the Bay of Pigs, JFK assassination and the attempted Reagan assassination. When you follow the money they always lead back to elite organizations (Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove, Illuminati, Bilderberg Group, Federal Reserve,) and certain bloodlines (Bush, Rothchild, Vanderbilt, Morgan and Rochafella). In the end money and banking wins, but of course you can just take the blue pin and all of this could just be a coincidence and none of it really happened…
Go Vote!!!
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insightful post Andrew
Years back, I argued with a good friend over the point you made about Kerry and his political/financial ties to secret society and the potential threat of war even with Kerry in office...and I opposed the thought. Time has a way of clearing a man's eyes...
Great post, Andrew.
Lol.. haha... nice post!
Especially the politic issue.. ;)
I don't disagree ;)
Hi Lolly
Andrew meet Lolly
she is good
Great post, Andrew. You know I dig a smart man.
i am smarter thn this asshole
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