Jeevy presents Andrew the Asshole with an Award... and award of community involvement!!!! Finally some gets rewarded for honesty. Now of course the rules of this is that I am supppose to bestow this award on 5 others. Now you know I can't give shit away!!! But maybe in another live I would, so lets dream for a moment. In my illusional dream I would give this award to....
Intellegent Ignorance, CapCity, Bad Bad Girl, Sojouner G
Monday questions are off to a Hot spot. Vi vi voom has already put her request in for the emotions of sexual partners or lack there of. Katie a new reader from the UK has tagged me, so will have to put an interesting spin on her tag. But let the questions roll!!!
hiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!! congrats on ur schmoozee!!!!!!! :D
congrats on yr schmooze & thanx for awarding li'l ol' ME!
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